Bournemouth Town Guide, 14K

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    The stretch of Dorset coastline between Poole and Christchurch is fairly developed, and as a result there is little distinction between the towns and villages along the coast. They all really blend into one.

    But essentially Bournemouth covers the stretch of coastline just to the east of Poole, sprawling along about seven miles of beaches and cliffs.

    However, matters are further complicated by the fact that Bournemouth has several distinct areas that again are difficult to separate!

    Bournemouth starts in the west with the West Cliff area, which borders with Poole. The main characteristics of this part of Bournemouth are the "chines" - deep valleys that cut into the Dorset cliffs - and the pine trees which cover the area.

    Then you come to Central Bournemouth, which is where the town centre can be found - the most obvious landmark in this part of town is the Pier.

    Further along the coast Central Bournemouth blends with East Cliff, which is where traditionally many of the town's hotels are located.

    Further east again there is the area known as Boscombe, which is particularly famous for the Boscombe Gardens.

    Bournemouth then ends at Heginstbury Head, where originally the separate village of Southbourne-on-Sea was located.

    Today these areas of Bournemouth blend into one another, but each has its own distinct character and attractions and so it is worth visiting them all.

    Bournemouth is, by character, a Victorian town, and although much of the architecture you see today is more recent, the town's layout is still essentially Victorian with, for example, plenty of wide, elegant avenues.

    The main attractions are spread out around the town, but are all well signposted so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding your way around.

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