Bournemouth Town Guide, 14K

Bournemouth Town Guide, Link to Home Page, 2K
Bournemouth Town Guide, Link to Accommodation in Bournemouth, 3K
Bournemouth Town Guide, Link to Bournemouth A-Z, 2K
Bournemouth Town Guide, Link to Other UK Town Guides, 2K
Bournemouth Town Guide, Link to UK Travel Advice, 2K

    Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
    Bournemouth Town Guide, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra Piano Animation, 5K

    Bournemouth is home to the excellent Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. With an excellent world-wide reputation, this is considered by many to be one of the best orchestras in the UK.

    Dan Godfrey, who was the son of the town's bandmaster, first founded the Orchestra in 1893 in order to provide music for visitors to the town.

    Originally known as the Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra, it quickly gained an excellent reputation and became famous all over England.

    Since then the orchestra has gone from strength to strength and today, under Principal Conductor Yakov Kreizberg, it is still regularly achieving critical acclaim.

    Bournemouth's Winter Gardens is home to the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, and when the group isn't touring, they hold regular concerts throughout the year. Prices vary according to performance.

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