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    History of Bournemouth

    The town of Bournemouth is relatively young, dating only from the early 19th century. Yet ever since this time it has been attracting tourists by the score, and today it is as popular as ever.

    The town originated in 1810 when retired army officer Lewis Tregonwell decided to build a house on this pretty stretch of the Dorset coast.

    He then began to plant pine trees in the deep valleys, known as "chines", that are characteristic of the area.

    At the time it was believed that the scent of pine trees could relieve the symptoms of tuberculosis, and so people soon began to visit the area in an attempt to improve their health.

    As a result a town quickly grew up around Tregonwell's estate in order to cater for the visitors, and by the beginning of the 20th century over 50,000 people had settled here.

    The town's first gardens were laid out in 1856, and in 1861 the first pier was built, to be replaced in 1880 by the present one.

    As the threat of tuberculosis began to fade by the late 19th century the town began to be less of a convalescent resort for sick people.

    Nevertheless Bournemouth still attracted visitors, and as the Victorians indulged their passion for seaside resorts it became one of the most popular resorts in the UK.

    Today there is still plenty to attract visitors, not least the seven miles of sandy beaches that cater for everyone's preferences, with, for example designated smoking zones and dog-free areas.

    There are also some excellent museums, beautiful gardens, and in the evenings a thriving cultural scene.

    So young or old, and whatever your tastes Bournemouth has something for everyone.

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